Showcase your vivacious personality as Evolution’s Online Casino Dealer! Since our studios operate 24/7, you’ll rotate between day, evening, and overnight shifts, from the comfort of our private, state-of-the-art studio located in Central Burnaby. You’ll host iconic casino games like Blackjack, Poker and Roulette, with unlimited virtual players.
We Offer Generous Compensation Package including:
- Earn $24.75 per hour plus monthly performance bonus.
- Extended Health and Benefit Plan
- 15 Days Paid Vacation
- 8 Paid Sick Days
- 2 Paid Evo Days
What You’ll Do:
- Enthusiastically introduce players, the rules of the game and the winners
- Deal cards, spin a wheel, and announce winners
- Use quick and accurate handling of cards
- Research appropriate topics and trivia to discuss with the audience
- Follow and supervise the updates and amendments in the game
- Engage in friendly conversation, without offering your opinion (sports, music, and trivia facts)
- Be presentable and confident in front of the camera
- Always use a positive parting remark to end the game conversation
Our Benefits At and After Work:
- Work for a casino without smoking, alcohol, loud music, and health hazards
- Toast your successes on treat days and holiday events
- Collaborate with approachable, diverse, and global co-workers
- Security-protected office with no physical players in the studio
- Paid vacation time and paid breaks
- No experiences required as we will provide paid in-house training
- Enhanced Covid-19 safety protocols implemented to ensure a safe work environment.
- Receive up to CAD $1,200 per employee referral
- Fun and Engaging Company-sponsored Team-building Events